Mole is the life blood of Mexican food. There are so many different variations and recipes for Mole but today I want to show my take on a classic Mexican Mole Negro.
Watch how I make it and then play around with the ingredients and make your own
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How to make Mole Negro
Prep Time: about an hour
Cook Time: 3-4 hours
- 6-10 of your favourite chillies
- 4 pints / 2 litres of Chicken Stock
- 2 large Onions
- 2 large Tomatoes
- 3-4 cloves of Garlic
- A Sprig of Fresh Oregano
- 1 tablespoon of Cumin Seeds
- 6-8 Allspice
- 1 stick or 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon
- 60g / 2oz of Peanuts
- 60g / 2oz of Almonds
- 2 or 3 Plantains / Sour Bananas
- 60g / 2oz of Lard
- 60g / 2oz of Raisins
- 2 or 3 pieces of Stale Bread
- 115g / 4oz of Mexican Chocolate
- 1-1.5 teaspoons of Salt
- 2 Chicken Breasts
BUY Your Chiles Here
Dried Ancho Chilies
Dried Cascabel Chiles
Dried Chipotle Chiles
BUY your Blender Here
For products we use in this video visit Here
Watch the full Video Tutorial
- take the chillies and split them open, keep the seeds and veins to one side and place the chillies onto a baking tray. Place in the 200C/400F for about 20-30 minutes. At the same time on another tray add the halved the onions, cut tomatoes, garlic cloves and fresh oregano and place in the oven with the chillies and cook for the same time.
- In a small fry pan add the cumin seeds, allspice, cinnamon, peanuts and almonds and cook till they are toasty brown.
- Next in a saucepan melt the lard and add the plantains or bananas, stale bread and raisins and cook until golden and crispy.
- Lastly take your chilli seeds and literally burn them, blacken them on a BBQ or outside in a fry pan this adds the colour to your mole.
- Once your chillies are baked in the oven and nice and crispy, break them up into a bowl and add a couple of ladle fulls of stock. Allow them to soak.
- Now everything has been cooked and prepared its time to get the blender out. Pour the plantain, bread and raisin mixture into the blender, add the nuts and spices, ladle in a little stock and blender till smooth. Once blended melt some more lard in a pan and pour the mixture in. On a low heat allow to start to cook whilst you blend the rest of the ingredients.
- Next pour the soaked chilies into the blender, add a little more stock and blend the mixture until it is quite smooth. Once it is blended and smooth add the tray of roasted vegetables and herbs into the blende and blend again till smooth. I like to pour this blended mixture through a sieve (it isn’t essential) into the pan with the nutty banana mixture and stir together continue to cook it slowly.
- Into the blender next goes the blackened chilli seeds with some more stock. Again blend these well and then pour into the saucepan on the stove. Stir through and then add the block of chocolate and allow this to melt completely. Add some salt and then allow the mole to cook on the stove for 2,3,4 or even more hours. About an hour before the end of cooking add in some chicken breasts as these are a little treat to celebrate the completion of this delicious Mole Negro.
- This Mole can be stored in the fridge for many days or you can freeze it or bottle it – it’s entirely up to you. Just Enjoy!!!
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