Coke Coca-Cola Ice Cream – Easy No Machine 🍦 🍨 😎 2

I am having a bit of fun for Tuesday Chooseday this week – Coca-Cola ice cream.

I made this for my buddy James from Funfoods as I know he loves Diet Coke.😍
Check out James’ Channel here

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You just got to love #Coca-cola #Icecream – So easy and simple.

Coke Coca-Cola Ice Cream – Easy No Machine 🍦 🍨  πŸ˜Ž


Coke Ice Cream

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How to make Coke Coca-Cola Ice Cream
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Freeze Time: 6-8 Hours


  • 2 cups / 500ml of Thick Cream
  • 14oz / 400g ac of Condensed Milk
  • 1/2 a teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 a cup / 125ml of Coca-Cola
  • 1/4 of a cup / 62ml of Sodastream Coke Syrup.
  • Extra Coke Syrup to drizzle

For  products we use in this video visit Here

Watch the full Video Tutorial


  1. Place the cream into a large bowl and whip until thick. Pour the condensed Milk over the cream and mix together.
    Pour half of the mixture into a plastic container. Add the vanilla extract and stir through. Cover with a lid and place in the freezer.
  2. With the remaining cream add the coke and the coke concentrate.
    Mix thoroughly and then pour into another plastic container. Cover with a lid and place in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  3. Remove both containers from the freezer and pour the vanilla ice cream over the coke ice cream. drizzle on the extra coke syrup. Use a knife to swirl the ice creams together.
  4. Cover with the lid and place back in the freezer for a further 4-6 hours or overnight. Once the ice cream has frozen completely your dessert is ready. Yum Yum!!

Coke Ice Cream



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